
Menampilkan postingan dari Juni, 2024

Saat Tuhan pegang kendali hidup selalu diberkati. Setiap langkah tidak pernah salah

  Saat Tuhan pegang kendali hidup selalu  diberkati. Setiap langkah tidak pernah salah  Church song I trust on Lord . Proceed creed. Amazing grace . Don't be afraid .     

Jesus di perahu hentikan badai

  Jesus hentikan badai di perahu 22 June 2024. Gospel Mark 4:35-41 where is your Faith? Jesus said to sea "Quiet now! Be calm! And the wind dropped and all was calm again. Jesus said to disciples " why are you so frightened? How is it  that you have no faith?. They were fill with awe and said to one another 'Who can this be? Even the wind and the sea obey Jesus.  Psalm 106(107):23-26, 28-32. Give thanks to the Lord, his love is everlasting.  Gospel acclamation. Luke 7:15.  Song. Be not afraid. God search me. All the end of the world. Trinity...